

Terima kasih dari lubuk hati kami yang terdalam!

Kami senang sekali dapat mengawali tahun ini dengan pengalaman luar biasa bersama hampir 650 pelari. Padma Run 2023 berhasil menggalang total dana sebesar Rp 50 juta, yang akan disumbangkan ke SPLB-C YPLB—salah satu sekolah pendidikan luar biasa (SPLB) yang berada di bawah naungan Yayasan Pendidikan Luar Biasa (YPLB). Kepada semua orang yang hadir untuk ikut berlari atau berjalan, untuk menjadi sukarelawan, atau memberikan dukungan, izinkan kami mengucapkan terima kasih sebesar-besarnya atas partisipasi Anda dalam menciptakan perbedaan dan memberikan kembali kepada masyarakat melalui kegiatan ini.

Sampai jumpa di PADMA RUN 2024! #runhigherforagoodcause.


Ingin menjadi sponsor kegiatan kami? Jika ya, Anda hanya perlu mengisi formulir aplikasi di bawah ini. Setelah itu, kami akan menghubungi Anda dan menyampaikan informasi lebih lanjut menjelang tanggal pelaksanaan kegiatan. Dengan dukungan Anda, bersama-sama kita dapat menyelenggarakan kegiatan yang luar biasa dan menciptakan dampak positif terhadap komunitas kita. Terima kasih atas dukungan Anda!


The race will start at Padma Hotel Bandung, through the hills of Ciumbuleuit.

  • 4 AM - 4.30 AM : Attendance & Participant Preparation
  • 4.30 AM - 4.45 : Padma Run 2023 Start Area is open
  • 5.15 AM : START category 10K
  • 5.30 AM : START category 5
  • 7.30 AM : START Kids Dash
  • 7 AM : Cut Off time category 5K
  • 8 AM : Cut Off time category 10K
  • 8 AM - 10 AM : Entertainment and Doorprize
  • 10 AM – 11 AM : Winner Announcement on Main Stage



To ensure the safety and security of events during the pandemic, participants and organizers involved in offline activities must comply with the implementation of the covid-19 protocol as follows:

  • Participants are healthy and do not have any congenital diseases related to the threat of the COVID-19 pandemic.
  • Participants have received an injection of the anti-covid-19 vaccine at least two doses.
  • Participants and Organizers will have their body temperature checked before entering the competition area.
  • Try not to often touch the facilities/equipment that are shared in the competition area.
  • Hand sanitiser is provided for the benefit of participants and staff.
  • Hand washing spot is provided complete with liquid soap.
  • Regularly clean your hands after using public facilities.
  • Do not make direct contact such as handshakes or hugs (victory celebration).
  • Always wear a mask in the race venue.
  • Participants are only allowed to take off their masks after running 100m from the gate start.
  • Participants must wear a mask at a distance of 100m to the finish gate.
  • Participants should change their masks after using them for three hours.
  • Participants should clean themselves by washing their hands, and change their clothes after the competition is over.
  • Participants and Organizers as well as those who are permitted to be in the area, do not share personal equipment.